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Manettus: Getting Stuff Done! - October 14, 2011

This past priory period, we worked on grade level knowledge. The Freshman worked on learning the content in their core books as well as their multiplication tables. The Sophomores looked up information about their country. The Juniors helped the Freshman with their grade level knowledge. The Seniors started to use the Stock Market Game and started to watch the New York Sock Exchange.

Manettus: Egg Fall! 9/22/11

This past week, homerooms were given an objective to protect an egg from breaking after being dropped off of the 500 building's staircase. Using given materials, students used a variety of methods to protect their egg. Some groups used the plastic bag given to them to create a parachute and slow down the fall to prevent the egg from breaking. One homeroom actually used the bag as a container and used the newspaper given to pad the egg so it could survive the plunge.